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Arnold House School

What says..

Ask any boy what his favourite thing is about the school and chances are he’ll say sport. And while there are gleaming trophies galore, there’s an inclusive approach: ‘My son isn’t sporty but it gives him lots of exposure so it’s good for him,’ said a parent. The school is known to be academic, so can be competitive, but it does not have the same pressured reputation as some other counterparts in this area of London and is pastorally strong. ‘The boys need to know we’ve got their back,’ says head. Wide range of subjects includes…

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What the school says...

Arnold House School values a supportive family ethos and operates in a relaxed and kindly way within a defined code of conduct. Individuals are cherished and rewards far outweigh sanctions. Arnold House takes a long view of a boy's education; academic breadth, a balance between study, sport, music, the arts and activities together with excellent pastoral care constitute the foundations of the school's philosophy and success.

We are caring, academically strong but not overly competitive and broad in our outlook. A healthy balance is achieved and maintained between matters academic, artistic, pastoral, spiritual and sporting. We are traditional in our approach: in curriculum, in structure, in uniform and in a degree of formality.

Boys transfer to their chosen independent senior schools at the age of 13. Senior schools see Arnold House as developing bright, well-mannered, motivated, articulate and well-rounded pupils. Our contact with leading day and boarding schools is strong. The school community, and the parent body in particular, has embraced the bursary scheme: £750,000 has been donated since its inception in 2009.
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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since 2021, Giles Tollit, previously head of Horris Hill for 10 years and before that deputy head of Bilton Grange, director of studies at Caldicott and head of classics at Yardley Court. He is a keen classicist, having gained his degree in the subject at Bristol University, and is married to Molly, a fellow classicist and teacher. They have three sons (secondary school and university ages) and a border terrier, Bilbo. They had always planned to come back to city life and Arnold House presented the perfect draw.

Since his arrival, he has focused on upping the academics and improving communication with parents. A full curriculum review is underway and preparation for ISEB, 11+ and 13+ exams now starts earlier. He has also introduced standardised testing lower down the school to...

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Special Education Needs

At Arnold House we provide for, and respond to, the varying needs of all our boys including those with Specific Learning Difficulties. We want all boys to make progress across the broad and balanced curriculum we offer and we endeavour to support boys through in-class differentiation, small group work, individual support lessons and Individual Education Programmes as required. 10-09

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