Berlin British School
The Berlin British School is an International school of British Foundation based in Charlottenburg in Berlin. It is an IB World School that runs the PYP, IGCSE and IB Diploma programmes. BBS caters to all age groups from 3 to 18 years of age and the schoo
- Berlin British School
Dickensweg 17-19
14055 - T +49 30 3510 9191
- E admissions@ber…
- W
- School Ages: 3-18
- School Gender: Mixed
- Total School Numbers: 500
- Teaching Language(s):
- English
- Bilingual Programme(s):
- German/English
- SEN: SEN considered case by case
- Boarding: Not available
- Uniform: Yes
- School Year: Early September – mid July 3 terms Holiday 2 weeks Christmas, Easter; 3 half terms
- School Hours: 8:30 am -3:20 pm
- Annual Fee Range: € 12,600 - € 18,500 - same
- Fee Information: Registration fee all year groups: € 2,750 Siblings: € 550 IGCSE: € 1,625 IB: € 2,725
- Religion: Non-denominational
- Memberships: AGIS, Ac. member COBIS, ECIS., IB World School, Cambridge International Schools
- State/Independent: Non-profit
- Adapted or school-developed curriculum
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
- International Baccalaureate (Diploma)
- International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP)
- International Baccalaureate - MYP (candidate)
- Mittlerer Schulabschluss (MSA) (German middle-school certificate)
- Authorised by International Baccalaureate Organization (not to be confused as an inspection or accreditation agency)
- Council of British International Schools (COBIS)
- Council of International Schools (CIS)
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