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From finding the right state school for your child to navigating the state school appeals process, our education consultants are here to provide expert consultancy every step of the way.

How does the consultancy work?

The English state school system can be confusing even to families who live in the UK, particularly if they are planning to move to a different area of the country. To families moving to the UK from overseas, the system can feel particularly daunting.

Our state school specialist, Elizabeth Coatman, is vastly knowledgeable about all aspects of the state school system and has many years' experience in advising clients. She can give you an understanding of the whole educational journey from reception to A Level/International Baccalaureate Diploma and Advanced Vocational Qualifications, enabling you to make sense of the available data. She can help you navigate the pitfalls of a highly complex and varied array of school admissions policies and processes and local authority requirements. She herself enjoys the support of our equally knowledgeable and experienced team of regionally based consultants.

State School Information Call

The state school service is designed to be as flexible as possible to meet your individual needs.

We offer a call to help you understand the system and processes, as well as two report services that will give you specific school suggestions in different areas. We can also create a bespoke service to meet your individual needs.

The State School Information Call can take place via telephone or a video Zoom call. The advice can include

  • an explanation of the English educational/exam system
  • an explanation of school admissions policies and local authority processes
  • help with identifying the most suitable areas of the country for your particular requirements
  • a general discussion of the relative merits of state versus independent schools.      

Our consultant will then follow up with a written summary of their advice.

The state school information call does not include making specific school suggestions.  For this, you will require one of our thoroughly researched state school report services, tailored to your individual requirements. 

Cost: £390 for up to one hour

Standard Report Service

Our consultant will carry out in-depth research and then provide you with a report detailing information on primary or secondary schools in up to 2 locations. This will include achievement data and other special features, for example, specialism/s, as well as admissions and recent allocations data. You will then have an opportunity to have a meeting via Zoom to discuss the report and ask any questions.

Cost: £625

Premier Report Service

Our consultant will carry out in-depth research and then provide you with a report detailing information on primary and/or secondary schools in one or more locations. This will include achievement data and other special features, for example specialism/s, as well as admissions and recent allocations data. Our consultant will advise about a strategy for application regarding the best area to live and where to maximise your chance of getting a place in a particular school. You will then have an opportunity to have a meeting via Zoom to discuss the report and ask any questions. Our consultant will also provide support with any applications, if required.

Cost: £850 - £1,700

The precise fee will be calculated according to the complexity of your requirements, for example the number of areas and whether both primary and secondary schools are involved.

Grammar Schools Service

Designed for families who are considering only academically selective state schools, our grammar school service provides for a meeting with our specialist consultant via Zoom. Our consultant will give you a detailed explanation of what is involved in the application process to academically selective state schools (including schools that are partially academically selective). You will be given advice about specific schools and where in England the academically selective state schools are located. The advice would include timelines for registering, as well as the testing, and cover how different schools assess applicants. You would also be provided with information on individual schools' admissions policies, which determine how places are allocated, and how to prepare for tests. We will follow up with a written summary of the information and advice.

We also offer an assessment service which would enable you to determine if your child is of grammar school ability.

Cost: £420 for up to 90 minutes.

Call: 0800 368 7694 (UK) +44 203 286 6824 (from overseas)

Please note we are not agents. You do not need an agent to gain a place at a UK school.

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