Two children in every class are affected by difficulties talking and listening. Learning difficulties like dyslexia, dyspraxia and autism are familiar labels, but the most common learning need of all which affects three per cent of the population, Developmental Language Disorder or DLD, is rarely mentioned. That’s why on 18 October, 40 countries around the world will be lighting up buildings in purple and yellow for DLD awareness day.
DLD is a problem developing language, both speaking and understanding, that cannot be explained by any other condition. So unlike, say, autism, which has a language element, but social interaction difficulties too, children with DLD develop normally in every other way. The condition is more common than other types of SEN but often mistaken for other things: naughty behaviour, poor attention or low intelligence. Previously known as specific language disorder, Dorothy Bishop, emeritus professor of neuro-psychology at Oxford University, came up with the term DLD, to increase awareness of the widespread nature of the problem.
Language is both give and take, it is understanding what others are saying, their questions and instructions (receptive language) and the message we impart in talking (expressive language). Sarah Thompson, Principal of St Catherine’s School in Ventnor, a speech and language specialist school and college where all the children have a language disorder, says, ‘In normal speech we use so much higher level language without realising that many students aren’t understanding it’. Often parents assume their child doesn’t have a problem because, she says, ‘They can speak really well about a topic they know about, but ask about something they don’t know about and you get a one word answer’.
Language is used for a variety of social interactions, greeting, commenting, questioning, requesting, conversation, and understanding. Good language ability is vital for progressing at school in any subject. ‘They don’t always know what they’ve misunderstood’ says Thompson.
No-one knows what gives rise to DLD, though it is known to run in families, so there is a genetic element, but this is not the full story. There may be birth and environmental risk factors too. DLD occurs across genders, though more common in boys than girls, and across all races and socio-economic classes. It can mean a child attending primary school experiences a two to three year gap in their language skills. DLD affects spoken language but can occur alongside reading, writing and spelling difficulties too. ‘We need an awareness day’ says Thompson, ‘to remind people there are these hidden disabilities’.
A child with DLD often slips under the teacher’s radar. They may appear to follow what is said, and nod in unison with their friends, but in fact only understand a few key words. This becomes apparent when required to follow instructions, particularly if given to a whole class at fast pace.
Often DLD is mistaken for low cognitive ability or IQ. Perhaps because only 11% of children with DLD meet their curriculum targets and children with DLD are less likely to attend university.
Expressing yourself in words is a daily challenge, this may consist of difficulty finding the right vocabulary or the ability to weave words together in sentences. A child with DLD often uses fewer combined phrases or complex sentences. They may not acquire simple narrative techniques or concepts. A pupil at St Catherine’s begged, ‘Don’t put me on the spot, I’ll freeze’.
Their difficulties are often mistaken for a delay in developing language, especially if there is another language spoken at home. However, bi-lingual children without DLD will quickly catch up, whereas the gap between children with DLD and peers grows bigger as school work becomes more demanding.
As they get older, it becomes clear the child with DLD is falling behind. Sadly support for language difficulties often tails off in secondary school, or adolescents become self-conscious and don’t want to draw attention to themselves by receiving individual help, ‘It’s so easy to mask that they don’t understand’ says Thompson. This in turn affects confidence, you might see the child with DLD becoming quiet and withdrawn. Conversely, attention difficulties and acting up are a common development of DLD.
Keeping up with your peers, when you are affected by a learning difficulty, leads to exhaustion and soon the child with DLD will begin to be distracted. They may exhibit poor behaviour or social and emotional dysregulation, which give a misleading impression. A pupil at St Catherine’s worried that people would simply judge them on their output, ‘I’m not just lazy’.
Need help? Perhaps you suspect your child has some learning difficulty and you would like advice on what you should do. Or perhaps it is becoming clear that your child's current school is not working for him or her, and you need help to find a mainstream school which has better SEN provision, or to find a special school which will best cater for your child's area of need. Our SEN consultancy team advises on both special schools, and the mainstream schools with good SEN support, from reception through to the specialist colleges for 19+. Special Educational Needs Index
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