Scholarships and bursaries – common sense, dos and don’ts


Scholarships are there to be won. In general, scholarships are awarded to candidates who excel – either academically or in sports, arts, music etc. Most scholarships these days are not worth a large percentage of the fees though this is not universally true and, for example, a music scholarship can, in some cases, be worth up to half the normal school fee. Some scholarships are largely honorary which means that the scholar gets the glory but very little fee remission. Scholarships do not depend on the family income.


Bursary money is now enabling many hundreds of children who would not have had a chance of an independent education to go to independent schools. Bursaries are always means-tested and do not depend on academic brilliance although a child has to pass the usual entrance exams to be eligible for bursarial help. Some pupils are on a bursary which covers the full fee and maybe even contributes to extras; others may have a reduction of only 10% or so off their fees but enough to make acceptance of a place possible.

Best of both

It is possible for an individual child to hold both a scholarship and a bursary and many do. Talented children from families with low or lowish incomes can be supported up 100% of the fees with combinations of this kind. However, it cannot be stressed too firmly that this is only for those who are exceptionally able and from families whose income and circumstances would prohibit the child having a chance of attending the school were it not for this amount of help.

How much?

There is little consistency in the assistance with fees that individual schools – and groups of schools – can offer. Much depends on whereabouts in the country they are, whether they are ancient and well-endowed or more recent establishments, whether they are boys’ or girls’ schools, whether their trustees and governors have invested wisely, whether they actually believe in opening their doors as widely as possible.

Two homes?

Whether or not they can offer you any help with fees will also depend on your own financial and family circumstances. It is not all down to your income. A family with two homes, two working parents and only one child is less likely to get any financial support than a family with one home, four children, a dependent relative and only one parent able to work – unless the family income is high.

We have been working for many years with families who hope for some kind of financial assistance towards fee-paying schools. Here are a few tips based on our experience:

Charitable trusts

Charitable grant-making trusts can help in cases of genuine need but do be aware that charitable trusts and grant organisations have strict criteria and usually require social need to be the contributing factor to the application for funds. The Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation provides bursaries to help disadvantaged children attend state or independent boarding schools.

The ‘social needs’ recognised by the grant-making trusts are usually:

There are various websites which allow you to search for this kind of help. Our scholarships and bursaries service also keeps an up-to-date record of who now offers what in the way of fee assistance for families dealing with exceptional circumstances.

The Good Schools Guide Education Consultants scholarships and bursary service

The Good Schools Guide Education Consultants holds a unique central source of information on scholarships and bursaries. You may have a gifted child but limited finances. You may want a confidential discussion before going to individual schools to find out what they may be able to offer you. Read more about our scholarships and bursaries service

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