
Whether you are relocating to the UK, preparing for school entrance or want to pinpoint gaps in knowledge or hone exam technique, our assessments will set you on the path to successful school applications.

So how does the consultancy work?

We offer assessments in English, maths and reasoning because these are the subjects most schools test children for when considering a place for them. They also tend to be the most challenging areas for children coming from different countries with different educational systems. Assessments for sixth form applications are considered on a case by case basis.

We offer assessments for children aged 7 to 16 years old. For 7+ and over, we use entrance tests previously set by a range of academically selective independent schools. The tests chosen are appropriate to the age and school stage of each child. These are set and marked by our in-house team of subject experts. Our assessments are usually done remotely, but we are also happy to do face-to-face assessments where and when possible and would recommend the latter for younger children.

At an additional cost clients can receive a detailed report on their child's performance in each paper they undertake plus suggestions and recommendations where appropriate.

Costs: (inclusive of VAT)

We are happy to conduct assessments for children who are referred to us via agents/consultants. Click on our director's service page to find out more.

Call: 0800 368 7694 (UK) +44 203 286 6824 (from overseas)


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