How can you find out what financial assistance might be available to you? And at which school? Would it cover just the tuition or might it stretch to boarding fees and even instrumental fees or help on school trips? And are there really such things as state boarding schools where you only have to pay boarding fees?
These are serious and important questions, all of which – along with many others – are covered by our scholarships and bursaries service, which is available to all UK based families.
We have several consultants who are experts in understanding how different schools operate their scholarships and bursary schemes. We also know about charities which help provide a subsidised education.
So how does the consultancy work?
Our expert scholarships and bursaries consultant will spend up to 90 minutes with you in meeting via zoom to understand your particular circumstances and to learn about your child. They will then explain the process and how it works. The kind of information you need to prepare for the school and how to prepare your child for the entrance exams.
We won’t be able to tell you exactly what – in raw financial terms – a school might offer you in terms of bursarial help as this will depend on many things eg your income, your financial commitments, the number of children you have etc. But we will be able to tell you the school’s criteria for scholarships and bursaries, how they select their recipients, how many awards they have to offer and, most importantly, their special awards eg for particular skills or talents – sports, arts, music etc.
We should also be able to give you an idea of what your income needs to be to qualify and how to approach a school and when. In addition, we can explain how a scholarship might be topped up by a bursary and answer any other questions you may have.
After the meeting our consultant will be on hand to answer any questions as you complete all application forms and to give you direction regarding which schools to apply to for your child.
If you decide you would like your child to have interview practice before the exams we can arrange a further session to do this, all included in the original fee.
The fee for our scholarships and bursaries service is £420.
Call: 0800 368 7694 (UK) +44 203 286 6824 (from overseas)
Please note we are not agents. You do not need an agent to gain a place at a UK school.