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Academic culture thriving. Focused on a love of learning for its own sake. Quirky academic opportunities abound in sixth form. Dulwich Diploma encourages A level depth with something more like IB breadth – boys produce a 2000-word independent essay. All pupils take A level Plus, a programme of university-stye cross-departmental electives including American studies, gender studies, Page to Stage. Arts, music and co-curricular are outstanding. Work around community and sustainability is now…

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What the school says...

Founded in 1619 by Edward Alleyn, Dulwich College our primary duty is to ensure that all our pupils fulfil their academic potential. We aim to inspire our pupils, and to build the confidence required to explore beyond the boundaries of the curriculum. Learning for its own sake is encouraged alongside focused and dedicated study.

We look to provide a wide range of sporting, cultural and adventurous activities for pupils to enjoy and through which they can learn to work co-operatively and to take a lead. Within its 70 acre site Dulwich Colleges excellent facilities support both the boys formal studies and their activities outside the classroom. Boys are encouraged to participate in expeditions and community-based activities.

Every boy is allocated to one of the eight Houses which encourages a fierce but healthy loyalty. The House system also supports the pastoral care of the boys. Boys proceed from Dulwich to the most competitive of universities, in the UK and in the world, and thereafter into all the major professions. The College has a long standing reputation for producing some of the finest actors, musicians, sportsmen and writers in the country.
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Cambridge Pre-U - an alternative to A levels, with all exams at the end of the two-year course.




What The Good Schools Guide says

Acting Master

Acting master since August 2024, Fiona Angel, previously acting master in Lent 2022 and Lent 2023. During her 14 year career at Dulwich, she has held the positions of senior deputy, deputy master pastoral and head of curriculum and learning. She is an ISI Inspector and a teacher panellist for the Teacher Regulatory Agency.

To be replaced in September 2025 by Robert Milne, currently head of Emanuel School and before that, deputy head at King’s College School, Wimbledon, head of English at Magdalen College School, Oxford, and head of house at King Eddward’s School, Birmingham. He attended Pocklington School in Yorkshire and is an English graduate with degrees from Leicester University and King’s College, London. After his PGCE, he joined Oundle School as an English teacher and housemaster. From September...

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Please note: Independent schools frequently offer IGCSEs or other qualifications alongside or as an alternative to GCSE. The DfE does not record performance data for these exams so independent school GCSE data is frequently misleading; parents should check the results with the schools.

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Special Education Needs

The Learning Support Department offers assistance and support to pupils who are able to access an academic curriculum, but who may need extra help to fulfil their potential. We celebrate and respect neurodiversity. We are experienced in supporting pupils with diagnosed learning differences including dyslexia, ADHD and autism; however, not all the pupils we support have a diagnosis. The Senior School Learning Support Department consists of the head of learning support and two learning support teachers, assisted by an access arrangements coordinator and an administrator, who work with pupils in years 7 to 13. Our support for pupils with a variety of learning support needs includes those on EHC plans, details of which are available on request. We assist pupils in many different ways including developing reading comprehension and spelling skills, personal organisation, study and revision strategies, and social skills. The department works closely with form tutors, subject teachers and heads of year, providing advice on appropriate classroom strategies and delivering professional training on special educational needs.

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