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  • Foxes Academy
    Selbourne Place
    TA24 5TY
  • Head: Mark Costello
  • T 01643 708529
  • E
  • W
  • An independent special college for students aged from 16 to 25 with mild and complex needs including Down’s Syndrome, autism, learning and behavioural difficulties.
  • Boarding: Yes
  • Local authority: Somerset
  • Pupils: 72 (34 Boys - Girls 38)
  • Religion: Does not apply
  • Open days: To book on to one of the presentation days, check school website
  • Review: View The Good Schools Guide Review
  • Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report

What says..

One parent explained, ‘Social and independence skills have improved dramatically. Beyond our wildest expectations (she can shower and wash her own hair now and go out into the community for basic shopping needs).’ Our guide was really proud to show us his daily tick-list, full of ticks - all the things he had managed by himself that day. The list of clubs and activities is endless, and most importantly looks like fun. Parents had nothing but praise for…

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What the school says...

Located on the seafront of the beautiful West Somerset holiday town of Minehead, Foxes Academy is the training hotel and catering college for young people with learning disabilities.

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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since February 2023, Mark Costello.


There are taster days, and schools are offered taster ‘breaks’ when groups can come and stay at the hotel for a few days. Application is through the students’ local authority after an initial assessment. Waiting for the funding to be agreed was the stressful part of the process, but Foxes has an advocate who helps parents to manage the application process through the LA.

Once a place is secured, the rest of the entry process is easier, parents reported. '[He] settled in very quickly and was kept busy with new routines for living together, course work and a new social life.’ Another parent told us their story: ‘The entrance process from Foxes' side was very smooth at all stages and there was plenty of information and...

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Special Education Needs

Condition Provision for in school
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Might cover/be referred to as;
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers, Autism, High functioning autism, Neurodivergent, Neurodiversity, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), PDA , Social skills, Sensory processing disorder
HI - Hearing Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Hearing Impairment, HI - Hearing Impairment
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Learning needs, MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment, Sensory processing
OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
Downs Syndrome, Epilepsy, Genetic , OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability, Tics, Tourettes
PD - Physical Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
PD - Physical Disability
PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, Global delay, Global developmental delay, PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Might cover/be referred to as;
Anxiety , Complex needs, Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA), Mental Health, SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Trauma
SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication
Might cover/be referred to as;
DLD - Developmental Language Disorder, Selective mutism, SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty, Cerebral Palsy (CP)
SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Auditory Processing, DCD, Developmental Co-ordination Difficulties (DCD), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Handwriting, Other specific learning difficulty, SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
VI - Visual Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Special facilities for Visually Impaired, VI - Visual Impairment

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