Homefield Preparatory School
- Homefield Preparatory School
Western Road
Greater London
SM1 2TE - Head: Mr Christopher Hammond
- T 020 8642 0965
- F 02086 420 965
- E registrar@homefield.sutton.sch.uk
- W www.homefield.sutton.sch.uk
- An independent school for boys aged from 3 to 13.
- Boarding: No
- Local authority: Sutton
- Pupils: 282
- Religion: None
- Fees: £11,850 - £17,370 pa
- Open days: February
- ISI report: View the ISI report
What the school says...
We could not have found a better school in the UK to bring out the best in both our boys (a Homefield parent)
Homefield is a top preparatory school in Surrey for 400 boys aged between three and thirteen. Founded in 1870, Homefield has its roots in the 19th century and its branches in the twenty-first. We are housed in an extensive purpose-built complex, with well-equipped science laboratories, large Art, DT and Music suites, complemented by a spacious Early Years Unit and a two-acre adjoining playing field.
The school is renowned for its intimacy and family atmosphere, small class sizes, the fulfilment of individual potential, the openness of communication, the provision of specialist teaching at the earliest opportunity, its commitment to best practice and its all-round academic, musical, dramatic, sporting and artistic achievements. Pupils make a strong contribution to their learning through their highly moivated and enthusiastic attitudes... The quality of pupils achievements and learning is excellent. (ISI Inspection, March 2013)
In the last ten years, the School has continued to achieve a 100% pass rate at Common Entrance to 46 senior schools, securing 50 awards in the last 2 years to Senior schools such as King's College, Wimbledon, Reed's School and Westminster School.
The school is also proud of its county and national representatives in table-tennis, squash, athletics, swimming, soccer, football, rugby, cricket and chess. The curriculum is complemented by a multitude of clubs (over 50), such as fencing, golf, karate, judo, swimming, table tennis, tennis, squash, music bands and orchestras as well as trips, both in the UK and abroad. Homefield was the top UK chess school recently and annually has qualifying teams for the national Chess championship.
Academic scholarships and occasional bursaries are available.
Daily minibuses run to and from Wimbledon.
Breakfast and after-school clubs as well as holiday camps are organised for busy working parents. ...Read more
This is not currently a GSG-reviewed school.
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Special Education Needs
Homefield Preparatory School is an independent preparatory school for boys which produces happy and confident young men. We achieve a family feel, through a broad and balanced curriculum within a caring and nurturing environment. We welcome all boys who can access and benefit from mainstream education and through the opportunities that we offer and the boys make excellent personal progress in all areas. Homefield Preparatory School is committed to ensuring that boys achieve their academic potential and aim to support all boys with reasonable adaptations. Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of moderate needs, including communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and physical needs. We encourage parents of children with special educational needs to play an active and valued role in their children’s education. External reports often include recommendations that may be useful to embed into the day-to-day teaching in school, therefore, these should be shared with the school. At Homefield Preparatory School, we always encourage ‘pupil voice’, which will be included as part of our ongoing monitoring. All teachers and support staff who work with the boys will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are recommended. We will regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the boy’s progress. All children should have access a broad and balanced curriculum within an inclusive environment. The curriculum’s content is designed so that all boys can make progress, including all pupils with SEND. Boys are encouraged and supported to increase their understanding and develop their skills in subjects taught. The school promotes a positive attitude towards learning and fosters pupils’ self-motivation and independence. Teachers set high expectations for every boy, taking into account how to remove barriers to personal progress and their achievement. The differentiation may involve modifying learning objectives, teaching styles and access strategies. The head of inclusion, class teacher and support staff will carry out monitoring of progress, with collated data and feedback, to inform future planning. All boys at Homefield are encouraged to fully participate in all aspects of school life.
Condition | Provision for in school |
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Might cover/be referred to as;
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers, Autism, High functioning autism, Neurodivergent, Neurodiversity, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), PDA , Social skills, Sensory processing disorder |
Y |
HI - Hearing Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Hearing Impairment, HI - Hearing Impairment |
Y |
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Learning needs, MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty |
Y |
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment, Sensory processing |
Y |
OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
Downs Syndrome, Epilepsy, Genetic , OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability, Tics, Tourettes |
Y |
PD - Physical Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
PD - Physical Disability |
Y |
PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, Global delay, Global developmental delay, PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty |
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Might cover/be referred to as;
Anxiety , Complex needs, Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA), Mental Health, SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Trauma |
Y |
SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication
Might cover/be referred to as;
DLD - Developmental Language Disorder, Selective mutism, SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication |
Y |
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty, Cerebral Palsy (CP) |
SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Auditory Processing, DCD, Developmental Co-ordination Difficulties (DCD), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Handwriting, Other specific learning difficulty, SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) |
Y |
VI - Visual Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Special facilities for Visually Impaired, VI - Visual Impairment |
Y |
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