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This school’s inclusive approach also extends to drama and sport. Recent productions have included Hoodwinked and the Lion King and are performed in the superb theatre at Hymers College. In sport the whole year group gets the chance to play in fixtures. But while pupils we met raved about their sporting opportunities and facilities, both boys and girls would like the…

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Entrance examinations consist of: 8 & 9 - maths, reading, comprehension & reasoning including an interview. 11 - English, Maths & VR including an interview prior to examination.

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All-through school (for example 3-18 years). - An all-through school covers junior and senior education. It may start at 3 or 4, or later, and continue through to 16 or 18. Some all-through schools set exams at 11 or 13 that pupils must pass to move on.

What The Good Schools Guide says

Head of the junior school

Since 2010, Peter Doyle BSc PGCE (50s). Read economics at Bristol then spent four years in industry. Followed family vocation by doing PGCE at Hull, followed by teaching in state primary schools in the home counties before moving to Stamford Bridge Primary as deputy head. He was deputy head here at Hymers for three years before being appointed as head. A modest, sensible chap. It’s obvious from his demeanour, pride in the school and easy interactions with pupils that he models the school’s CARE code (care, acceptance, respect, effort) in all he does and in his expectations of staff and pupils alike. ‘Find something a child can hang their hat on and be successful in and then they will be more supportive of each other,’ he told us, adding that ‘if someone gets it wrong here the children know that no-one laughs’. This was echoed by pupils both at the junior school and those who had moved on to the senior school. Parents speak highly of the warmth and encouragement he gives to pupils. Works well with the new head of Hymers College, with some of the recent changes at the college are reflected in the good practice that has been developed at the junior school.

A keen squash player, he also enjoys sailing with his family, walking their dog and reading. Married to Rachel, they have three children, all Hymerians with two still in the senior school.


Usually in year 4 via an intake of 60 to 70 (three classes of 24). Entrance is via the school’s own reading, maths and English assessment followed by an interview with the head. Strong links with Hessle Mount Pre-Prep where, following academic tracking, their pupils automatically get a place here. 'If a child has the ability to succeed and be happy at Hymers we will find them a place,' says head. Wide catchment area covers Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Goole, Bridlington and some way into East Riding. There’s an extensive school bus network.


Majority move on to the co-located Hymers College senior school. They no longer need to sit an exam as they are academically tracked at the junior school to assess suitability. Head says it's very rare for a junior school pupil not to get a place - a very civilised and sensible approach.

Our view

Housed in a 2003 purpose built block adjacent to Hymers College, the junior school has light and airy classrooms (each with its own cloakroom) located around a central staircase, with great display space and some enviable specialist facilities. So often prep schools can be an afterthought to senior schools housed in an adapted Victorian house, but not so at Hymers. With great views over the lake and Hymers College’s fields the junior school also enjoys its own separate playing fields – sharing the the excellent senior sporting facilities (sports hall, four lane swimming pool and extensive tennis and netball courts and brand new all-weather pitch) when required.

Pupils stay in their classroom with subject teachers coming to them. Staff are mindful that pupils need to be ready for the demands of the secondary curriculum at Hymers. We saw an excellent year 6 reading lesson where pupils were extremely articulate in their discussion and analysis of their book. Pupils also enthused about their maths lessons taught by an excellent and engaging team of specialist staff.

The exception to the rule of staying put is for lessons requiring specialist facilities, such as for music which is a real strength of the school. Before the pandemic the school won choir of the year in the Barnardo’s national championships and sang in the Royal Festival Hall. They also came second in the Llangollen Eistedfodd in 2018. On the day of our visit pupils were recording a charity song. The head is proud that there are no auditions for the choir, with everyone getting a chance to show what they can do and to improve.

This inclusive approach also extends to drama and sport. Recent productions have included Hoodwinked and the Lion King and are performed in the superb theatre at Hymers College. In sport the whole year group gets the chance to play in fixtures. The U11 boys team recently won the ISFA regional competition gaining a place in the national finals at St George’s Park and the Junior swimming team has qualified for the ESSA national swimming finals for each of the past 11 years. The school’s dance group qualified for the Great Big Dance Off national finals in Oxford recently, finishing in third place. While pupils we met raved about their sporting opportunities and facilities, both boys and girls would like the gender base for sport to be challenged – the girls want to play football and boys netball. Possibly something for the school to think about.

There is a well-equipped DT room (with CAD equipment) where pupils can do textiles and food as well as DT. They also have their own science lab where the white coats and microscopes awaited the dissection class. Outside there is a quiet garden, outdoor table tennis tables and a Forest School area.

Residentials form an important part of school life for year 5 onwards with a clear brief to continue building pupils’ self-esteem and confidence. Trips to the D Day Beaches in Normandy, sports tour to Worcester and choir tour to Edinburgh where pupils sing in Edinburgh Castle and St Giles’ Cathedral kitted out in their choir jackets.

When we visited the school had just had its Japan week and we saw some fantastic art work based on cherry blossom. ‘When we look at something for a project it’s for a week not just a day and it’s the whole school so we really get to understand a lot about what we study,’ said a pupil.

The pupils are very positive about their school, telling us they enjoy ‘loads of clubs like hockey, dance and choir.’ The school’s CARE code is clearly understood and bought into. Nobody gets laughed at or teased here, they assured us; the mantra of supporting each other to do better is in their psyche.

The juniors eat in the college dining hall but have an earlier sitting than senior school pupils.

Money matters

Around five fee remission places per year, all means-tested.

The last word

A super school - unpretentious, fantastically well-equipped and with a very sound ethos that will help any young person to thrive and to become a real team player. Strong links with a Hymers College make progression a very natural route.

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