Mainstream schools for special needs

Many parents of children with special needs want their child to remain in the mainstream system. So how can you make sure it’s the best school for them and that it delivers on any extra provision required?

Not only do you have the right to allow your child with special needs to attend a mainstream school, but the law also requires this school to provide support and physical adjustments as necessary so that your child can participate fully in school life.

The only grounds on which a mainstream state school can refuse to admit a child with special needs or a disability (SEND) is where this would interfere with the efficient education of the other children.

However, there are huge variations between schools in the welcome which will be offered to children with SEND, and in the quality of provision that will be made for them.

If you are considering mainstream schools you need to scrutinise extremely closely what kind of support your child will be given, and how much expertise the school has in your child’s condition.

Don’t rely on an open day to find out all you need. You should always ask for a private visit with the head, and an opportunity to meet the special needs co-ordinator (SENCo) – they will be key to how good the SEND support is.

The head

If the head isn’t enthusiastic about helping SEN children, take this as a red flag. The head will be controlling the money that is spent on any aids or additional support for your child.


Academic matters: teaching, learning and the curriculum

The pastoral system: behaviour and support mechanisms


Speak to children. Ask them what they think about learning support, children with disabilities etc.

This can be very telling of how accepted children with SEN are.


And ask to be put in contact with current and recent parents, who can give you a truthful picture on the school’s support.

If you need help in finding a good mainstream school for a child with special needs, our SEN team can help.

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