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Who are they?

Headway Tutors
73 Brading Rd

Tel: 0203 507 1630 / 07930 044 030

We have met with Headway Tutors’ staff. In addition, 26 clients and 27 tutors have completed an on-line survey (sent to 117 clients and 64 tutors) and we have followed this up with additional short phone interviews with some of those surveyed.

The Good Schools Guide review of Headway Tutors.

No swanky offices, no offices at all in fact – and that’s just the way co-founder and MD Chris Wordsworth likes it. Lower overheads mean lower fees for clients and more of it going to tutors and them – everyone’s a winner. Keeps things less formal too, with the leather sofa of Chris’s lounge forming the backdrop to our Zoom - though rest assured this is a highly professional outfit just as you’d expect from a tutor agency formed by two teachers who both studied primary education at St Mary’s and have clocked up many years of teaching in west London preps, and which serves a highly aspirational parent cohort.





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